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Keep in mind that the SDA Property Investment opportunity is relatively new to investors just like you. When it was launched several years back, it was aimed at Super Funds and Corporations, to provide accommodation’s intuition people with disability, cognition which these investors would receive higher than average investment returns in the form of funds received through the NDIS.

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Unfortunately there are very hasty decisions made around greed of higher yields being touted and the fear of missing out. Your greed in wanting to get the highest yield, opposé à achieving realistic high yields needs to Sinon checked.

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ASR Wealth Advisers is an Australian provider of investment advice and dealing faveur to corporate, sophisticated, professional and private acheteur.

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Yes there are apartments asrw and houses being purposefully built, yet to Supposé que completed pépite tenanted, so no data here. Of the new property supply, they are pretty much evenly spread nationwide, based on recent feedback by the NDIS.

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As early adopters into any new market, the early adopters mitigate their risk, get in early asrw and more often than not come out the other end ahead of the next wave of investors who then follow the early adopters.

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